Some quick notes about DEFCON this year.



These are the best things I personally saw or were close to. There’s so much going on that this just represents the best stuff I saw in my fractional DEFCON experience.

Observations & Random Points

  1. I probably haven’t been to a main track talk in person for over 6 years. I decided to go to a few of them and really enjoyed the atmosphere. I’ll have to remember to put at least 2 on the agenda each year going forward.
  2. BlueTeam Village got a much larger space this year. I’m happy to see that, as they were nearly impossible to get into over at the Flamingo in recent years. BTV is doing good work and people should be able to experience it.
  3. There were a lot of contests.
  4. The Car-hacking village really brings it. They had a semi truck rig, a Rivian, and they gave away a Tesla. Well done, and my only ask is that we make it easier for people & mechanics to jail break their cars when the companies John Deere-ify them.

Next #DEFCON will be held Aug 7-10, 2025 at the LVCC. I hope to see you there!