About this Site and the Person Behind It

Rather than a blog, this is meant to be a Digital Garden. I drafted up this site in late 2024 and have begin to post and upload years’ worth of content in earnest starting in 2025.

What is “the Fifteenth Standard”?

There are so many standards, frameworks, and platforms in information security, that the classic XKCD comic about proliferating standards is a common joke during annual planning (and many other times). While my site has a lot of specific information regarding tools and tactical practices, the impetus for finally publishing this information is to collect and publish my notes on creating or expanding security functions and leading teams. Hence, some parts may end up looking like a framework, or -say it ain't so- a standard.

classic XKCD comic re: the creation of a standard

Additional information

How this site is put together

A bit of history

For a long time, I've kept notes in text with various markup formatting strategies, and this is the latest culmination of that. A result of having gradually moved from Evernote to Obsidian since around 2019, and there have been a bunch of steps along the way (RedNotebook, Cherrytree, Emacs org-mode, etc.).

The nuts and bolts

This site is built in Obsidian using the Digital Garden plugin to convert the content to HTML, version controlled in #GitHub and the pipeline is executed in -and hosted at- Vercel.

See LICENSE regarding copyright and onward uses of this content.